There may be a lot of factors working in your favor besides your high school GPA. The college application brings together many different elements of your achievements and experience. It’s common for students to dwell on the negative factors and to become pessimistic about their chances of being accepted to their top-choice colleges. Keep in mind that this is not the same perspective the admissions officers will take.
2. Applications let you emphasize your strengths.
In your essay and interview, you get a clean slate. Take advantage of this chance to play up the best parts of your application. Highlight some experiences outside the classroom that have been especially important to you. Write about things you’ve accomplished, decisions you’ve had to make, and values that guide your life. Convince the admissions committee that you have what it takes to be a leader on campus and an asset to the school.
3. You can show an upward trend.
If you still have a few semesters left of high school, make them your best. Admissions officers love to see signs of improvement on a student’s transcript. Show that you take your work seriously and that you’ve learned how to be a great student. Some schools don’t even include your marks from 9th grade in their own calculation of your GPA. If you can do well in your challenging junior and senior year classes, you’ll be prepared for college-level work. Seek extra help from your teachers to master the course content, and show them that you’re doing everything you can to perform at your best. If your parents are willing to invest in tutoring, this is the time when it can benefit you the most.
4. If personal or family factors affected your grades, you can point this out.
College life is not easy. If you’ve faced challenges and worked to overcome them, this is a valuable strength that will help you to make the most of your college experience. It’s okay if your grades went down around the time of a death in the family, a divorce, an illness or injury, or other personal circumstance. Even if you simply had trouble adjusting to high school and it took you a year or two to get settled, that may be worth writing about. Tell the admissions committee about these events in your life and how they’ve affected you. Not only does this explain your low grades, it personalizes your application and gives the admissions officers some insight into your life.
5. Many schools offer a conditional acceptance.
If you’re an outstanding applicant except for some lower-than-ideal grades, you may be offered a conditional acceptance. You go to your dream school and, as long as you maintain a certain GPA during your first year (or two years), you’re there to stay. This gives you a chance to prove that you can be successful in the new and exciting campus environment. Once you’re in just do your best, seek help when you need it, and everything should work out just fine.
To all the high school students who don't have high GPA's and want to apply to college, I am encouraging you to please apply. Don't give up. If I could get a job as a school counselor I would. It is too often that I hear of counselor discouraging students from putting forth the effort to apply to colleges that appeal to students. This should be against the law. After all getting an A doesn't mean you learned more than the student who got a C. It's all about what are you learning. Keep up the good work, pursue your dreams and don't give up. Schools are looking for more than just grades. What is it about you that sets you apart from other students. Emphasize your qualities. All children are unique, we need you to run our country.
I didn't really apply my self in high school and now I regret it because I really want to be a music education major. I love music and I've gone through a lot of majors that I wanted to do and are really excited about this! But I'm so scared I won't get into the college I want to. I've loved this school ever since I went there to visit. Anyway, I was really depressed in high school and hated it because I just felt doing the same classes over and over was not to my ability. I think I would apply myself more in college because music classes and such is what I really want to do. I know I would work hard to do it. I was in choir in middle and high school and got nothing but A's and even though I never got up and did solos or anything my teacher and fellow classmates thought I was really good and I know I am, just a little scared. Hopefully I can convince this school that I really want to go there. I'll do anything to get accepted. This is what I really want to do.
What if you have a low SAT score, but good grades? I know someone with a 4.75 GPA & got like a 1740 on the SAT… how bad will that look for colleges?
Keep working hard, I'm not the perfect student with the highest marks but I do try hard. I had a 3.256 first quarter and 2.862 for second quarter. It was my AP Economics class which brought me down because I didn't really grasp the concept, but I am willing to turn that around and aiming for as high as a 4.0! I am really worried about getting into college after coming from such hard working parents and having so many obstacles in the past …it would be so dumb of me to lose and not be able to suceed. That's my biggest fear! To all the JUNIORS out there who are worried and scared they won't be able to get into the college of their choice, DON'T BE! Everything and anything is possible; with hard work, determination, and the drive.
If any of you want to get in contact: – everyone uses it right? haha!
Thank you, this piece was a huge help. My grades are less than stellar, but I feel like with the right motivation, I can succeed. Thank you for helping me not lose hope!
im a student still in highschool, i have a 2.5 gpa overall my junior year, i feel really frantic about the college i want to go to, but i want to be a doctor is there any chance that i could work in college and get into med school from there?
So, I got rejected from college after my first year and came out with a 1.69 GPA. I have a SAT score of 1240. Due to family, Parents want me to continue my education away from home and not in a community college. I'm doing transfer essays left and right. what should I do? Do colleges care about super low GPA? How can I show colleges that I am a student willing to learn instead of just looking at my numbers?
I'm in that category of people trying to get into a college with a low GPA.. My low GPA in college is due to personal problems and two deaths in the family. I was a high honor roll student all through high school, my ranking was 65/200 students, and just last month I contacted all my old high schools teachers asking them to write me a recommendation letter. Aren't those some factors that can look at as well? and I really like the conditional acceptance guideline you added in there because that makes me feel better too. I know once I get into that university my focus will be back on point and I will excel again. What do you think?
I know I personally have seen the importance of having good grades being less and less of a concern for landing the career path they want. Instead it all matters about your experiences and the people you network with.
I have a 2.7 GPA.
do you think it's still possible for me to get into a school like American University, Cal Poly, or CSULB?
I've been playing the violin for 13 years.
I haven't taken a single AP class, but I'm involved with the school's performing arts program.
What would be considered a low GPA? I have an 84 average, would this be considered very low?
I am trying to help my step daughter get into college. She works hard, but struggles to get B's and C's. I believe her GPA is currently 2.1. What schools should we be looking at to ensure we can get her accepted?
My GPA is 2.2,its low because I didnt apply myself my freshman year. Im now a senior and I want to apply for an university after high school,so I think in order to by past the low GPA I should do community service and start joining clubs. Plus colleges wants students to better their schools not just to get all A's and leave. My teacher told me a college will accept an C student over an A student if they have more social aspects. I just know if you become the odds you dont have a chance,when the world says you cant Jesus will tell you that you CAN.
I have made the mistake of sending my very smart kid to a private school that is WAY to hard for him . it is more like grad school than HS. So, his GPA is going to be low and if I had left him in public school he would be on top of the pile. I feel so guilty for pushing private school. yes, he is learning a lot but …so what if he ends up with a 2.6 or worse. I feel like I really screwed up.
Guilty Mom
what if you have a low gpa like a 3.2 for honors and aps at a silver medal high school with autism and adhd. Will they take that into consideration?
can anybody tell me if i can still make it to a grad college with a very low percentage? I'm an international student and due to some family problem I couldn't give my best effort, hence i ended up with a super low percentage. I'm currently working in a national magazine in the editorial section and i really wanna study English Literature.i'm not sure if i should still apply to colleges coz a counseller told me i shouldn't. please tell me what to do…
Help! My son is a senior, has a 2.0 GPA, 1970 combined SAT with 800 in math. 780 in the subject test. He obviously wants a math/engineering school. Does he stand a chance of getting into a good one?
Is it possible to get into college with a 1.7 GPA and low SAT scores. I am a struggling student but very hard worker aswell.I have been in private schools all through out high school and now that I'm a senior I'm having trouble getting accepted into schools. I've already gotten one rejection letter and as much as I am studying so hard and putting all my effort I feel like I am going to have to go to a community college which is something I do not want to do. First of all because I don't want to upset my mother who has gone out of her way to send me to these private schools and I know it wasn't easy for her and second of all I have learned so much in private schools that I think I will be able to do really well in college, but I don't think there is a way for me to show that.
I have a 1.74 gpa a 1620 SAT and a 27 ACT. I'm so scared I wont get into schools. This is my first semester I'm in right now and my 1st qtr grades were all a's and b's but a D and one F in an IB class. I've taken honors and IB the whole way through and have done a crap ton of volunteer work like Girl scouts and such. I also do sports each and every season. Do I have any hope of getting into ANY college besides a community one?
I've applied to 10 schools so far and coaches are interested in me. Is this a good thing? Plus I'm a legacy at one school because both my parents and 10 uncles/aunts have gone there. Is this a factor as well?
Hi, I'm a junior at my high school with a low GPA and I just wanted to let you know that your article has really comforted me. You see, during my first year at high school and my last year at middle school, I was (almost) a straight-A student. I received B's on occasion, but never more than 1 or 2 per quarter. My GPA in the 2008-2009 school year was a 4.4. But ever since my second year in high school, I've been slipping. By the end of my sophomore year, I had a 3.9 GPA. This year started off bad with a D in my Honors Japanese III class. I was really upset, but then things got worse. Now I have a D in chemistry because the math is so hard, a C in H. Japanese III, a D/C in history and a C in Honors English. I don't know what went wrong. I procrastinate a lot, and I guess I got overloaded. I'm hoping that I can bump my C's up to B's, but I'm not sure. I find myself anxious a lot and I often break down crying. I feel like I'm losing control and I'll never get into college. I'm afraid that my mom will start punishing me if she sees my report card. She can be pretty violet. Lots of yelling/swearing. Now that I've finished reading your article though, I feel better. I know that even if I get a 3.0 or lower this quarter, it doesn't have to be a big deal. I never considered what colleges REALLY looked at while accepting students. I have to sincerely thank you for providing students like myself with inspiring articles like these. Maybe I can learn from my mistakes and get back on track for 3rd quarter.
my sophomore year i got a gpa of 1.60 then my jr year i got the same thing. but the great thing about me is that im great with words and i have not ever been in trouble in sence i been in high school theirfore my college essay was great and i got alot of recommendation letters from my i were wondering is this going to help me in anyway get in to the colleges i applied to?
i have a 2.2 gpa and a 1310 sat, what are my chances of college.
I started to get anxious at the beginning of Junior year when my combined GPA was a 2.1. I've been working my ass off since, and I'm pretty scared. Mostly because I know I could blow everyone out of the water had I gone to one of the not-so-demanding Boston schools. But, no, I had to go to THIS one and take Latin and other useless, difficult crap. It just upsets me that less intelligent people, that went to easier schools, will go to more prestigious colleges..
You should always try, but don't get get unrealistic. I have a 2.1 gpa and I have been rejected from every school I have applied to. I'm not alone, I recently moved to a state with very poor gpa's and SAT scores. Many people just aren't going to college or community college after high school in general.
Which is a shame, wasting all of that potential and talent simply because of some bad grades obtained in freshman year. It would be nice if colleges truly did look at a persons character more then they do grades. But they don't.
There's not much I can do for myself now but try and attend community college for two years to try and bring up my gpa, and then try applying again.
I can't say I'm 100% happy about this, while my old friends move on and attend these nice colleges I will be essentially repeating high school all over again for another 2 years. Not to mention I'm the first person in my family to attend a community college. So yes, I feel pretty pathetic as if everything you heard about those bullies and jocks who used to torture you and get with all of the girls being screwed after high school is happening to me. Except I'm not a bully, jock or ever got with many girls. Or even truly deserve any of this.
Any how, all I'm trying to say is keep your goals realistic. If you have a low gpa you can try some back up schools but you just might be looking at community, trade schools or the military. Life is rough and high school grades along with sports commitment surprising do end up mattering later on in life.
Need advice
my son was wait listed at a school where his test scores were above the 75 percentile for admitted students (2200 SAT score). He is in one of the toughest academic programs in the country (magnet program) and has several 5s on AP tests. Plus 800s on all of his SAT IIs and is National Merit. His grades were ok (weighted well over 4.0, 3.4 unweighted). This was one of his schools that was a "fit", not a shooting for the stars. Also, because of his test scores, he was invited to apply early so we thought that indicated he was likely to get in. He is now devastated and is worried about the same fate at the other schools he has applied to. What can be done at this late date for applying to decent schools? Is it considered ok to call the school to ask why?
There are a few schools (other than for-profits and CCs) that literally accept anybody who applies.
For anybody who got bad HS grades but is willing to work harder in college, check out:
-Weber State University (Utah)
-WV State University (West Virginia)
-Bellevue University (Nebraska)
And several others.
The catch is that you HAVE to work hard once you're there, otherwise you wont graduate.
Also, for the most part, open-admissions schools aren't very well-known. The ones I mentioned ARE accredited and are legit colleges, but most employers probably haven't heard of them if they're not from the area. If you do well at one, though, you could probably transfer to a more well-known college after two years.
PS. Community college isn't a bad option if you think you can stay motivated at one. There is a CC here in Raleigh, NC called Wake Tech that has a transfer program to NC State University, which is a very well-known college for math and science. I've heard that most anybody who stays with the Wake Tech-NC State Transfer Program ends up graduating from NC State.
i have a 3.3 GPA and i do crew (rowing), Bible club, edge club, sweet treats club, Fellowship of Christian athletes club, Soles4Souls club, Future Business Leaders of America club, and I'm the secretary of the American Sign Language club. Also i do volunteer work at a childrens ministry and i have a part-time job. Will my low GPA hold me back?
Hi i am a sophomore in high school and i'm worry about get in a collage my gpa now is 2.3 and its too low what can i do to get a better gpa or should i do something out of school to get extracurricular credit?
I'm a junior in high school and I have a 1.9 GPA average mostly because of my freshman year. My SAT scores aren't too bad, 1830. Also, I have been doing community service at a medical home for a year. I have learned from my mistakes and I'm working diligently to try and improve my GPA. Are there any colleges that would accept me? Specifically ASU, WVU, UofA, Boulder (Colorado)..PLEASE FEEL FREE TO TELL ME WHAT SCHOOLS I SHOULD LOOK AT!!
The Military is always hiring.
I have a 2.5 (B-) average because of personal problems (my mom is disabled and my dad is in jail) also I have had some trouble with my advanced trig class. I take honors english, I skipped earth science and went straight to chemistry and I have amazing extracurriculars (I have a 3 page college resume) also I am taking AP English next year. I only got a 1500 on the SAT. Do I stand a chance?
I think that there needs to be more encouraging college counselors because I got into two ivy-league schools with a 3.3 gpa, 23 ACT, and no SAT scores. Brown and Dartmouth! This is no joke. I had doubts of course, but my college counselor told me to apply anyway and I got in. It's about you as an applicant and that special factor in your app. I'll be going to Brown in the fall:)
hey anonymous!
i'm really impressed with your statistics
i got to an international school in dubai and i'm really discouraged by my college counselor who says that with a 3.3 gpa
and 1900 sat score. i have no chance at any competitive colleges.
congrats on Brown btw!
look my gpa is 2.5 right now but without the electives its a 2.2 but if i work really hard this year i can make it to a 3.1 and im determined to aim high this year and i need to take my sat and act and i promised myself that im going to study every day and pass that test to go to a university 😀 so wish me luck
My daugher is a college freshman this year. She had a high school GPA of 3.9 but scored low on the ACT (17) and SAT (490 Reading, Writing 510, math 360). She was very involved in extracurriculars and community service. She had absolutely no problem getting into college. She applied to approximately 20 schools (to be safe) and got in 17 of them. She was even accepted into colleges that she was told by the schools she wouldn't get in. The colleges and universities in Florida, public and private, were the most difficult. They truely only cared about test scores. All of the schools except the ones in Florida look at the whole student.
We live in Florida and fortunately, my daughter wanted an out of state experience. She applied to schools in Connecticut, Massacheusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Texas, Ohlahoma, Virginia and North Carolina. No problems at all.
Good luck to all! : )
Hi, my name is Ashley Hutchinson im a senior in high school, and have a GPA of 1.7. I dont know what to do, in a few months i have to send out my college applications. Having a mothwr like mines make it even worse, she does not want me to atend any community colleges, or she will complain about how im a disgrace to he family, remnd you she only have a highchool career.. i dont know what colleges will accept me please help!!!! on the other hand i have 5 days to study for the s.a.t and so far from the practice test im not doing so bad.
Dear Guru, I have a 3.0 starting off my Junior year in Highschool. Im a great student and very involved with Interact, Key club, Cross country in a division one school that is ranked in the top 20 in the nation. I constantly think about college and want to attend USC, UCLA, Cal, and Cal Poly. I feel that my gpa isn't that great and that is due to previous family issues. Ive been through two divorces and moved to Texas from California, and after the divorce move back to california into my old highschool starting my junior year. It's been tough adjusting to the switch, but I'm trying to make the best of it. I'm not taking any honors or AP classes and I'm getting A's and high B's but may struggle with Math Analysis and Spanish 3, and I would hate for that to ruin my GPA even more. Also I have no idea what I want to major in, or what I want to do yet and it may be early, and at times I also thought about going into the airforce, navy, or marines but I'm not fully sure. So if you could help me out at all that would be great 🙂 thanks!
They say in life there's always a second chance! In my life I've made countless mistakes from f**king around in high school (suspensions, Drugs) I've learned so much just in 4 years in High school from equality and life. I have no f**king clue where ill be in the future! "Life is like a razer blade it can be in your hands or at your throat!" I know im smart just really dumbfounded when it comes to tests. I tend to have a 4.0 GPA, but sooner or later is slipps to a 3.5, to a 3.0, then now to a 2.5! I've been the top of the class in elementary! Just strted to notice life….. it hits you on the head like a Brick! like what im i going to do in the future?
Hi im a sophomore in high school. This first quarter i received a 0.14 GPA…. i know… what did i ever do ? my question is if i can turn it around with A's and B's for the rest of the year into a 3.5 ?
im a freshman in highschool and i got a 1.9 for the 1st quarter. im very scared about my grades i really want to go to OSU… will i have a chance?
I'm a junior in high school with about a 3.5 overall gpa. I'm in student council, theatre, chorus, run cross country, and am on the LIFE team at my school. I fear my gpa is going to hold me back from getting into my dream school: which is Rice University. I have not taken the SAT yet but I'm confident I can do well. What do you guys think?
So i have a G.P.A. of 3.2, im taking two a.p. classes right now, doing theater, running track and playing basketball. i also have a job right now bagging. i was a boy scout, i went to philmont but i quit after it. i did ok on my PSATs but im satisfied, i want to go to schools out in oregon, do many people get accepted with 3.2s? please let me know if you were one of those people
I had a 2.3 gpa but I still got into many Cal States, including my top choice, San Jose State. My test scores got me in along with other extra curricular activities.
i have a 1.85 gpa and i have a low SAT scores. i don't want to go to a community college but it seem like that is the only choice i have. i've been in a private school all through high school. with my educational back ground i feel like going to a community college will hold me back. I don't know what to do please help
Im a junior in high school and i have a 2.5 GPA that should come up to at least a 2.9 by the time i graduate. I have a projected SAT score of 1920 according to my PSAT. Is there any college better than a state college that i can get into?
My college acceptance into my dream school is riding on my first semester grades (which as of right now is a 3.1) I want to go to University of Portland so bad. This set back has sent me into a depression. I cry everyday and I my stress has physically manifested itself (Hair falling out, weight loss, etc) I am so upset. I don't know what I can do. Are there any tips besides these?
I was deeply encouraged by this post, thank you for writing it.
I'm also getting around a 3.14 unweighted GPA this semester (weighted about 3.5), and although I got As in my 2 APs, I was concerned getting a C in Spanish would drag me down; thanks for the encouragement! I think I'll incorporate this worrying and struggle in Spanish (I'm Mexican- it's kind of a shame I can't communicate well with my entire family) into my personal statement!
I feel like such a faliure, I have a 2.7 GPA..
Hello there. I am a senior in highschool and have a 2.06 gpa but i am really trying to fall back on my ACT score because i have a 21 and the schools i applied to requires at the highest of a 17. But ive already been denied twice and i am hoping my other choices gives me a chance. I work real hard and i have a 2.8 gpa for my senior yeat but its not boosting my chances i dont know why. But i really do hope i get accepted some where. I like my chances at north carolina central and i have that feeling that NC a&t will deny me in the next 7 days
Hey. I'm a High school senior but I will have to repeat my Senior year again, because I was an exchange student in Norway during senior year. My GPA is 3.3 and I'm confident that I will work to make it at least 3.5. I got a 1200 on my SAT. I'm a good student I think the factor for having a low GPA is that I've been living in the USA for 5 years. So learning English can be difficult, along with doing well on high school. I want to apply to Texas A&M, but I'm worried my grades will keep me away from my goal. I would like to hear your opinion.
Hey Im Bryanna Robinson. I am a junior and going to be a Senoir next year. My GPA is low, and i really want to go to a University. But my counselor tells me that since i have a low GPA, she suggest me to go to a community college. CAN SOMEONE HELP ME?. I have trouble in studying and probably in taking notes. I want to know since this is my last quarter, is it possible for me to bring my GPA up before i leave school?
Please email me at [email protected]
Hello, im in tenth grade.. and these passed few weeks all my mom has been talking about is College, SATs, and my future. And to be honest i've been thinking about it for a long time.. My grades aren't spectacular. I used to do sports in school but Im more of a social outcast.. I've done many things out of school though, Piano, Violin, Girl Scouts (that includes tons of community service activities), Tennis, Swimming (going to train to be a lifeguard this summer),Soccer, Softball. This summer i'm also volunteering to help out in a Hospital. Im currently studying for both my NY state regents AND SATs .. Im afraid my grades as of now will effect me later on.. School year is ending and I'm doing my best to bring my grades up.. I need answers.. Is it too late? Can I get into a good college if i have good grades next year in 11th grade, and 12th grade? I really want to study Psychology and if i change my mind my second choice is Medical.. anything around those areas. My parents wouldn't be satisfied if I went to a community college..
I really need help in the situation I'm in. Please if anyone can respond, that would be great. I have a 2.8 unweighted GPA and a 27 ACT score along with 4-5 extra curriculars and over 100 hours of volunteering. Is there anything I can do to get into a good business school? I wanted Carlson School of Management but I don't think that'll happen now. I was also think University of St. Thomas. I am currently at the end of my junior year in high school. Any help? Could I get into any of those schools?
Hey. im a sophomore in high school, with a 1.8 GPA. i am working hard on my last quarter for sophomore year, and im going to work hard all through my junior and senior year. is it possible to get a 3.0 – 3.2 and get into a good school which requires higher than a 3.2? and how much do an essay, SAT/ACT and extracurricular's matter?
I know how you guys feel I'm freaking out I just ended junior year and I have a 2.56 gpa witch sucks royally I screwed up sophomore year because family and relationships and most importantly me my junior year was awesome and I've been involved so much I've been volunteering since 5 th grade I currently volunteer at a hospital ive been in debate three years I was in key club i was president of internation club I speack french fluently I'm learning chinese I'm also in competive speech i was in anime club( in effort to learn a lol japenese) and it's just frustrating I've been thinking about college for a while and it just sucks to know that I might not be able to get into Lewis and Clark college or reed or grinnel or macalester it's just sucky and I don't know what to do I have this dream of moving. To Portland after high school and going to college there ( I currently live in Arkansas and desperately need a change of senery) Ugh sook much should I apply early decision and thanks for letting me rant and get all this out I severly needed it because I can't talk to my counsolor about it because she just badgers student about what rant they going instate because a vast minority of in state sucks or thief religious ( ewe): so yea thanks for letting me rant even though you didn't have a choice btw made a 16 on the act which sucks just took it again so I may have to go the portfolio option to get into college
You def have time it's your sophmore year and your catching your grades colleges like to see an upward trend
Im glad to have stumbled across this article. In high school I didnt apply myself nearly as much as I should have and am worried about college. I've delt with tons and tons of family issues, and spent most of my time taking care of others in my life including; my mom (whom i've had to take the hospital more than 27 time, we've lost count); friends who have tried suicide. These things mearly have gotten in the way. My grades slipt and I didnt focus on me at all, and now that i am moving forward I have felt as if this may hold me back. I would like to go into feilds such as health, travel, or even to work with young kids. where can I start? Also I would like to apply to a college without sounding as if I were making excuses because that is just not how I would like to come across, any tips?
what was your special factor?
This REALLY helped me because I didnt exactly do per-fect my ninth grade year..
I have a 3.1 gpa and i got a low ACT score. Do i have any chance of getting into Wayne State University or Oakland University?
Good Luck And remember determination can take you anywhere you wanna go
Bro that's is perfectly fine. 1740 isn't that low, he/she has a good.GPA. That person is just stressing themselves. That will seed get them into a descent college. Also extra curriculum activities will help
Lol. The best part for kids that slack off is if they get a good sat score collegeswill think they are smarty kids who don't apply themselves good chance he'll get into a
I'm a sophomore in a Private School with a 2.7 GPA, My parents always tell me I'm not going to get into college. Am I?
Hi, I'm a senior at a pretty competitive high school and I dream of attending GWU Elliott School of International Relations. I have a GPA of 3.39 Unweighted and a 4.0 Weighted, with an SAT Score of 1980 and a ACT score of 30. Can I get in or am i just wasting my time?
Hi, My son is senior in High School with a very low 1.9 GPA. He is very bright and his MCAS scores were in the advanced level. He has not taken his SATs yet as his guidance counselor tells him the only way is a Community College. Due to family issues he did not apply himself during his first years of High School until now. Currently is playing Football and doing community services and his progress reports are all As. His teachers are willing to write recommendation letters.What should he do? Is Community College really the only way? Please help
I am currently a senior in high school and have a 2.2 gpa which is awful. Freshman year i had a 2.1. Sophmore year I had a 2.5 and then junior year a 3.6. I am currently taking a AP class and doing good but I'm not sure if CC college is better or a university. Will colleges look at how I improved over the years??
I have a 2.7 GPA and am a senior. I am retaking the classes I made D's in. I have taken AP U.S History, AP Gov, AP COmparative politics, AP English 3, and am currently in AP English 4, and AP Calculus. I want to go to University of Arkansas for Architecture, and I took Physics last year. I made a 20 on my ACT, which I researched that to be automatically accepted I would need a minimum of 20 on the ACT and a gpa of atleast 3.0. Is there hope for me to raise my gpa? For them to know that I'm retaking a few classes for better grades? Will I get scholarships, let alone accepted? I am also taking college classes now while I'm a senior. thank you.
I probably have the worst GPA ever… but I really really want to go to this all girls school in the city! I'm not taking any CIS or AP classes but I know for a fact that I could do really good in them. If only I would've done better my freshmen and sophomore year I wouldn't be in this position! I am now a senior and I have realized how IMPORTANT getting a further education is. I used to be careless and didn't care much for school. Now I regret it all but because of my GPA and other personal circumstances I'm afraid that I wont be able to pursue my dream of going to a quite prestigious college!! To anyone who is reading this that is in 9th or 10th grade, please please please do your best in school! Get good grades, stay focused and ask if you become stumbled upon something! You'll see that it will definitely pay off!!!!!!!
I've completed my high school studies but find it difficult to enroll in the university of my choice. I was actually the best ranking student in my class and I was EVEN honored on my school commencement ceremony. I was able to maintain first class until my completion but could not maintain it in one of the most important public examination that could determine my admission at any university. Just applied at the American University in Dubai but was denied.I do not know why. Maybe because I didn't meet up with all of their requirements…The funny thing is, I can get admission in my country but abroad hmm it's a difficult case. Time does not wait for anybody;I will be 22yrs next year. I want to have a bachelor degree before 25… My mishap can be attributed to the selection of a major decision I had to make during my high school studies. I had to choose between assisting my mother at her new shop which was the source of my school fees or choose to just focus only on my school. My father deserted us for my (steps) leaving my mother to take care of all our bills. This used to be my routine whenever I returned from school, change my uniform, get some food into the system, and start selling till 10pm. Even during the public exam I had to sell. I would come from the exam hall at 6pm extremely exhausted but would still go at the shop to sell. My mom refused to employ workers because she thought they would steal her product. I was told by a friend of mine to not blame myself that but I do blame myself. As a student, your priority is to make the best sores… Do not pose any thread to your chance of coming with good grades. Right now, it's all about the merits.I was suppose to man-up to tell my mother that I'm a student that needs to focus only on school and things that will improve my life so let her employ people to help her. But I didn't so I've got the result. My only fear is that I should not go to Dubai and don't find any university to enroll.
I know with the help from God, everything will be OK.
I am just finishing up with my first semester of junior year. I have a gpa of 2.7 so far. I participate in sports and have done over 24 hours of community service. I have many family and health problems that I have overcome during my high school career. I am looking to get in to a csu or state school. Such as, Oregon state, Fresno state or San Jose state. What are my chances so far? I'm very uneasy.
you was already in college then got rejected? or was you rejected applying for college?
I am scare. I have 3.9 ( out of 5) as my gpa. I have a low SAT score of 1470. So far, I have been getting As and Bs. Right now I am slacking off. I am scare that I won't get accepted to a college. I am applying to Rutgers, TCNJ, Bridgeport, Pratt, SVA, and I tried Cooper Union ( just to see what will happen, even though I might not get accepted. this was encourage by my guidance counselor) I am going for an art major, but not sure, like illustration, graphic design, fine art. The professors in TCNJ really love my portfolio and said that I don't need to send one. I don't know. From what I am seeing SAT score seems to be a huge factor since everyone is making a big deal. Maybe my SAT score really shows who I am rather than my grades because for grades is easy to get higher score.
what if it is like 900 in the SAT? that's when you are in trouble!
I feel anxiety as well, although probably purely because of a perfectionists complex I harbor. I am but a sophomore in high school, and my weighted GPA is a 3.94 (probably a 3.9 unweighted). I am upset because I have not taken all of the accelerated classes I could have, which is unlike what many of the students at my high school have done. I received a "B+" in a normal math class for one semester (during the time I felt as though I was "asleep" to being perfect in school) when I know I could have obtained an "A." I took two accelerated courses that year and received As in everything else,but I was not satisfied. It is true that I have a desire to learn, and I have a natural gift for writing. This year I can take but two accelerated courses because of my choices of classes in 8th grade. I wish to attend a top university,as you well can imagine, but my hopes are slipping and I am constantly berating myself. I have seen the comment on the person who received acceptance from two Ivy League colleges with a 3.3 GPA and a 23 ACT score, and my hopes have lifted. I need to remind myself that school is not necessarily everything, and I can always improve. To the rest of you out there, just remember: this is America, and anything is possible.
Man, you just made my day and brought a tear to my eye
Hi I am a college freshman. I just finished my first semester with a 2.6. I made all B's, and one A. I suck at math so I got an F. I am the complete anthesis of a college student, I didnt party. I work super hard. I am president of three clubs in college. I had a low highschool gpa as well but thats because I was in 7 Ap classes and president of 5 clubs.I am trying to transfer to university of wisconsin for my sophmore year.I have a super crazy work ethic and I am a leader in different organizations.
Hello… I used to have a 3.7-ish GPA (it fluctuated a little, sometimes it was a 3.6, sometImes a 4.0), but this is my Junior year in high school and I am only receiving C's, D''s and some B's. I only take honors and AP classes but… My GPA is probably a 2.2! I was recently diagnosed with depression but if I mention it on my transcript next year, I'm afraid they'll think I'm trying to gain their pity. What should I do? Also I've never been too involved– I don't play sports, or volunteer too much. I am the president of a HS club and secretary of another, but I doubt that counts. I'm afraid that all I can get into now is the local community college …How bad does a grade drop of over 20 points look Junior year? Can I still get into a "good"-school?
Anxious Anon
wow this is motivational two thumbs up
Even though I am in Canada this encouraged me, thank you.
hi i am a senior in college with a gpa of an 2.3
and sat 980 all together
what colleges do u think i should apply to
great comment, i wish everyone could be as positive as you are.
You have three more years to bring up your GPA,
Colleges will know he goes to a difficult school. Good luck to him!
Try applying to Rutgers or Drexel University. I got into Columbia with a 2350 on the SAT, ACT 34, and GPA 4.9. Well, good luck. Don't worry about the low GPA. Some of my friends got into a good college with a low gpa because of there SAT and ACT scores.
Brought tears to my eyes. Needed to read something encouraging like this….to put it simply, THANK YOU.
Obviously you "was" never in college.
This encouraged me a lot. I really didn't think id go anywhere with a 1.5 gpa. But maybe they'll understand that I was arrested at 15 and racially profiled as a black child 🙁
Hey, if you're a senior and your GPA is a 2.3 maybe you should think about going to a community college or at best a state college?
I'm freaking out. I'm a freshman, and I just had to take a whole bunch of advanced classes, and I already have a 3.0 gpa. I don't know how I'm going to get into any college, since I'm asian, and it's pretty hard for asian people to get into good colleges without a 4.0 gpa because of all the competition. Is it still possible for me to get into UCLA (my dream school)?
Bless you, kind stranger. I really needed to hear that. A little encouragement was what I needed.
Its always a blessing to know theres an anonymous person who is out there wanting and waiting fo you to acheive.
I'm really worried, I think my GPA is round about 1.77. Is that good or bad?! I've never been any good at Maths or spelling, and this makes me feel really stupid compared to everyone else. The thing is, I'm in year 10. (English high school) I'm not sure which collage that I want to go to yet; but I really want to get into a Design Textiles or Art and graphic design collage. Do you think that will still be possible? Is a 1.77 GPA really all that bad?
Maybe he was in college, but I have heard people talk like this, its like a southern thing kind of I think. I cant be to sure but hopefully in their case it is.
If you have a 2.7 GPA overall then heck yeah. Just depends on what you do for your performing art. Some schools reject the talents because sometimes they simply don't want them
I currently, as a Junior, have a 92.6 GPA (not sure how that factors into a 4.0 scale), a 1710 SAT Score, involved in NHS and AP classes, as well as Future Business Leaders of America (Officer) and the photography club, and I've started my own Senior portrait/ Family portrait photography "business," and I've held a job at a local coffee shop for almost a year now. While my GPA is fairly high, I'm worried because of my low class rank (180/367). I'm interested in attending University of Texas Austin for Journalism. I'm hoping that my Class Rank/GPA will increase as I've worked my butt off, and have been getting better grades while others seem to be struggling.
This is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you so much.
My GPA isn't that great (3.4) and this just gave me so much hope. I know I'm capable of being a good student. It's just freshman year was a blow for me. In 8th grade, I was the top student and then 9th grade it all went down from there. I took the SATs in January and scored 1890 which shows that I am capably smart. I have been volunteering numerous ours in my town's volunteer services.
I just hope colleges understand!
Hello! I'm in my sophomore year of high school and I recently finished my 1st semester, now on the second. My freshman year I finished with a 3.9 GPA, for my sophomore year I leveled up in all of my classes and I'm currently in all honors. But, after midterms my updated GPA is a 3.73. I can attest that I went through a lot of personal trauma this year that my school is aware of. I have Bs in all of my classes as of now which is something that has never happened to me. Luckily I have many projects due next week and its only the third quarter. My guidance counselor already said she is willing to write numerous letters explaining the drop in my grades due to family situations.
You may think I have no place complaining here but I am sincerely concerned. I hope to study physics at a prestigious university and I would really like to ensure it happens. I am taking an honors pre calc course over the summer and AP Calc AB my junior year and BC my senior. Would this help at all (especially since I'm looking into going to school overseas)? Can I rescue my perfect GPA by the time I apply to college?
Thanks 🙂
thank you so much. Guidance counselors fail to relay information to students who are capable of much more outside of the numbers (gpa) or standardized testing ( which I suck majorly at ). I have over 150 volunteers and overrall all, a well balanced students, just hopefully colleges wont't ignorant to that.
I have a 2.3 GPA and an SAT score of 1600. I'm not a dumb student, I just do not apply myself in the classroom. I'm a senior and I'm on the fence about joining the military or college. I would rather go to college but I don't think there's that much hope for such a low GPA, id like to go to a university but how could I work my way up in the shortest amount of time?
I thank you so much for giving me some peace of mind and hope. You would make a great counselor 🙂 I hope you try to make that dream a reality!!!
I have a 3.84 GPA on a 4.0 scale and 1980 SAT score, but UTD has not offered me any scholarship. I was accepted in September and am feeling a bit disheartened by this. My math and cr are very close to 600 and my writing score is perfect. My ACT score is 27. Also, my class consists of only 192 students AND is very competitive. PLEASE HELP! I NEED ADVICE BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE A BIT OF A FAILURE! 🙁
I love you
hey guys. im a 16 year old junior from california. dont ever be discouraged by anything or anyone. i had a 4.4 Gpa until i hit the biggest bump in my life. my grandpa died, my mom got bells pasly(face is paralyzed) my cousin left us without any warning:/ , i was diagnosed with trichotillomannia, and depression. ever since then my GPA dropped to a 2.3. i now go to counseling and i get help from my teachers. people can be very discouraging but THIS IS YOUR LIFE. no one can help you if you cant help yourself. youre not alone if you have a low gpa. youre lifes not over(: if you cant get into the college you wanted to get into its okay! you could always transfer. i only have 3 more months to get my GPA up but im determined and i wont let it slip away again. stay strong!
OMG!!! you really need to come to my school and replace my counselor because he is NO help at all!!! You are so motivational and thanks for the advise! Thank you sooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you! My GPA is a 2.5 (2.9 UW) due to the fact that I went through so many family crises during my fresh/soph year, but now I'm a junior enrolled in the full IB diploma program who has high hopes to attend Notre Dame
No offense, but joining clubs senior year looks like resume building and colleges hate that. You should have joined clubs years ago.
Perfect! that is the way to go!!!! I am a mother who always had the perfect score in school and college, went to the best school and college, etc etc. I chose not to be carrier oriented and enjoyed time with my daughters. My daughter is a juinor, with not much a good GPA. However I truly beleive she will eventually get to wherever she wants to go and be happy in life. Currently I am an IT manager in a biopharma company and get a six figure salary, but not much for my grades in school though!!! Most of the officers I see are not the perfect students in school or not come from Ivy league schools, so do not loose hope, try your best, be honest, you will get there. Good luck!
Hi, I am a high school student going into my junior year and have a UW 3.25 gpa. I have taken all honors classes and one ap class last year which was the max. Next year I am taking 4 AP classes. I am really worried about college because of my low GPA. I want to go to William and Mary, NYU or North Eastern. I have had serious family issues and that has affected me from my freshman-sophomore year. What is your best advice for me?
Hello, I'm kind of worried my gpa would turn out to be between a 3.2-3.4 . I already have good extracurricular's and I'm working on more. I am trying to strengthen many aspects the admission process looks at. What can I do to better my chances of getting into Columbia University? I REALLY want to go there to become more intellectual, experience new cultures, and experience New York as a whole.
Ok, I go to one of the top schools in my state (it's a magnet school and was, one of the first high-schools for African Americans in my state, therefor being very historic.) Ok enough w/ the extra,anyway, I was accepted in 7th grade due to the grades at my other school(s). I struggled to make the grades at the school I am now and I just began to get on top of things my Sophomore/Junior year. I am now a Senior'2014 and my GPA is a 2.3 (Unweighted) and a 2.7 (weighted). Now, I want to be an actress and really want to attend a performing arts college. So, Would it be anyway possible for me to get to AT LEAST a 3.0 (weighted/unweighted). I really would LOVE to attend the college(s) of my dream (i.e Howard University, AMDA, University of Memphis or UTKnox) but would I even be able to attend an instate College like UTK , Univ.Memphis and MTSU ?
I've been so stressed out lately. Senior is coming up next year. College application are about to start. I'm so worried I won't go to my dream school. Freshman and sophomore year were terrible for me because of family troubles and depression. Junior year was my last shot and I gave it all I had and got the best grades I ever had so far in my high school career. However, my act score is horrible. I received a 20. Here are my stats:
Freshman Year- GPA: 3.16 U/W: 2.66
Sophomore Year- GPA: 3.16 U/W: 2.66
Junior Year- GPA: 4.28 U/W: 3.71
ACT score: 20
I really want to go a Augustana College a small liberal arts school in Rock Island in Illinois. Do you think I might have a chance? My grades and test scores are so bad. I'm asian and also am a first generation. Do colleges like to see improvement and progression?
Please help me.
Thank you
Hello, I am a freshman at my highschool, I have a low GPA of 1.8 due to me breaking off my funny bone in my arm at the begining of school, and never getting back into the flow of things. My parents are now flipping out on me, and "removing all distractions" by taking away every bit of technology I have and turning off power in my room until I get a GPA of 2.66 (That would be all A's next year). The technology loss and electronics loss I can deal with, but I want to know if you guys have any tips for me to get to a GPA of at least 2.4 by next year.
(I also have a ACT composite score of 24, including the writing portion.)
Just be consistent and dont procrastinate. There isn't that much of a challenge recieving descent grades in sophomore year, junior year is what you need to really focus on. So calm down, knock out descent grades next year, and get ready for the challenges of junior year.
Dude, first stop stressing out so much. When you apply for augustana college state the troubles you had at home that impacted your grades so much; I'm sure they will understand. When applying extracurricular's would help also, and show them some unique character that they need on their campus. I am the same age as you, I had my lows due to transferring schools then transferring back, but those lows were far worse than your's and I'm still striving to get into one of the top ranked colleges. Just have faith, show the colleges your leadership and character and you'll be fine.
How about you worry not so much about your grades, but more on extracurricular activities. You seem like a bright kid, but even prestigious universities reject students with 4.0's and 2400's (sat score)due to lack of character. Many prestigous colleges look for great grades, but they also look at you as a person and what makes you different.
Also Augustana doesn't have a lot of competition at all, it should be fairly easy to get in; especially given your gpa which isn't bad.
Excellent response. I am in the midst of coaching and guiding a high schooler who's GPA is dropping. His father and & I divorced and we moved from a family & home he knew for more than 16-years, he had a major and a minor surgery last year and he's his gpa dropped from a 3.3 to a 2.4 in 1.5 yrs. He can still go to college and he can still make a difference in his life. Guidance Counselors are useless or at least the ones I've encountered. You're right in that our kids need guidance and encouragement. If you're listening out there: Don't give up!!!
Thanks this really touched me!! I wish you were my counselor!! I LOVE YOU!
I did not have the best of GPA's when I applied to colleges but I got into my dream college, and it was my extracurricular that helped me get in.
I assume you're talking a 900 on the 1600 scale. If you got a 900 on the 2400 scale then you're not screwed, but don't expect Harvard to let you in. I know a kid with mediocre grades who got a little over a 900 SAT on the 2400 scale and he's going to ECSU, which is decent. Also, there is generally a high correlation between good grades and good test scores, and the SATs are actually meant to judge how valuable your 4.0 really is. If you have a perfect 4.0 and a shit SAT then it probably means you took easy A courses at a school that isn't that difficult to begin with. My advice is to challenge yourself without fucking yourself with coursework. Push yourself to actually LEARN as much as you can rather than just saying, I got an A so I must be learning. See past what's on the paper and try your best. If you can show a college that you are a hard worker on top of being a good learner beyond just taking tests then they will like you more than the kids who just memorize as many answers and vomit them onto a test.
Try to convey that in your essays. Also, if you're given the opportunity for an interview that could help you to take their focus off of your grades.
Shit if you've been playing that long then just go to the school, audition, and watch them shit themselves over how freaking awesome you are. I happen to intend on using musical talent to help me get into college, and I haven't been musically involved nearly that long. Like I said, knock their socks off and they'll probably let you in. I have a friend who's an amazing fiddle/violin player and he was literally only let in for his talent, even though his grades were shit in easy classes and his test scores were nothing impressive. That being said, don't throw grades out the window because they still count, and my friend still almost didn't get in because of his poor grades.
There's no way to insure acceptance %100, but if she takes her standardized tests and does well then that could be a catch. If that's not her thing then make sure she gets recommendations from teachers who see her effort and will write stories about how hard she tries and is capable of succeeding. I think everyone has at least one teacher like that, and that alone may tip the scale. If none of that is possible then make sure she takes every damn minute she has to write her essays and has many people read them for errors. Use every word within the limit.
Hi there, I'm about to go into my sophomore year and as a freshman I got a 3.14 GPA and I was wondering around what I would need to get my sophomore year to raise that to around a 3.9
Can anybody please help!! I am a senior in highschool currently with an unweighted 2.7 gpa and a weighted 3.6 gpa. I took 3 AP'S my junior year making one C in AP US History. Also I made an F in pre-cal last year! I literally think about it everyday! Needless to say, I have an awful guidance counselor that couldnt even remember my name when I tried to drop. Anyways, this year I am an officer of HOSA (health science club), I placed in the district and state competitions for this club, I am apart of Reynolds Girls Club and I am also starting the SADD/SAVE & Red cross club at my school being that they do not have it. This year I know for a fact I will make straight A's, because I will not allow myself to make anything below it. Oh yeah! I am also re-taking pre-cal this year, with intentions of making an A of course. I take the SAT in October, I study everyday and my projected score as a of right now is around a 1600. My goal is to break 2000 but to play it safe I think I will make somewhere between a 1400-1750. My ACT score is a 19 as of right now and I will also be taking that again in September. I will also be playing softball this year. Does anybody know if there is anyway possible I will get into a college 🙁 especially with an F on my transcript my junior year and D on there from my freshman year! My dream schools are NC State, Georgia State and Howard. I will also apply to Chapel Hill just to say I did it! Does anybody have any constructive criticism, words of knowledge, advice?? anything??
What college? And what was your gpa?
And I hate how all of you ask for help but never reply back…. REPLY BACK.
Hello anon, I'm kind of in the same predicament as you and I'm a senior striving for Columbia University. As of now, your extracurriculars look good your gpa is low, but just show consistency this year stop stressing so much start that club and score high on the SAT. And if you have a stellar personal statement you will get in, so that is another thing you need to work on; believe me.
I have a 2.75 and I'm in my senior year right now I have all A's for this marking period do you think I can raise to a 3.0 and will colleges except me
And I thought my reply went through but you have I'm kind of in the same predicament as you, you have good extracurriculars you just need to start that club and maintain a purrfect how. And lastly, with a stellar personal statement you will most definitely get in to your top colleges so focus on that.
I am in the same predicament as you, like exactly the same. Yes it will raise to a 3.0 but not before you send the applications out. The best thing to do is focus on that personal statement as I told the person prior to yoy, it will get you in if you balance it and appeal to the admission officer(s). Don't make your personal statement like everyone else's
I am currently a junior in high school in NJ. I want to apply to Stanford, Columbia, Seaton Hall, High Point, UCLA, and a few other colleges in the south. I have a 2.26 gpa currently, because I failed geometry my sophomore year but I took the course online to recieve credits back, so I believe that I would earn about 3-4 credits back, putting me at a 2.5 or 2.6. I am in Key club, Red Cross Club, and two other clubs. I also took two years of german and did cheerleading and field hockey in high school. I have about 700 community service hours. I was wondering if i had any chance of getting into a good college, especially because I am out of state and have a very low gpa. I wand to have a triple major in business, law, and chemistry. I am in honors history and biology, cp english, and core math, because math is my weakness. I begin SAT prep next week an I am aiming for a high score. I am taking crime and justice and introduction to social sciences this year as well. i also took business and sports management last year. next year, I am taking an ap psycology course, along with honors organic chemistry and college writing. I would like to know if I have any chance of getting accepted into any of the schools and if I could bring my gpa.
thank you!
I think you would be able to bring your gpa up to a 2.9, given you get all A's both semesters of your junior year. Get more active in community service and start focusing on your personal statement now. If anything a stunning personal statement will set you apart from the rest. Especially in the ivy leagues since they abide by a holistic admission process!
Well aren’t you encouraging.
My name is Tiara and I go to high school in Brooklyn, New York. I recently received my transcript and was very disappointed. I want to go to schools such as Ohio state, UNC Chapel Hill, Syracuse, you know the acknowledged universities but I'm not sure if I will get in. Can you give me any advice ?
I'm a senior in high school and my GPA is a 2.7 and I only did the SAT one time so far and scored 1189. I'm planning on taking it on November 2nd. I'm not a stupid person, I know that for sure. I'm actually very intelligent . It's just that I had a bad past in school, I'm not a bad student I'm a pretty good student, all my teachers see me as intelligent and mature. It's just that I was bullied a lot during high school, I had like four family deaths in the last two years, I would skip school because of the bullying and I get sick frequently. People always tell me that I'm going to be successful and that I'm an intelligent person but I just don't feel that way right now. I feel like dying because I screwed up the last three years. Right now I'm currently trying to keep my grades up. I have straight A's at the moment. I'm scared that I won't be able
I'm a senior in high school with a 2.51 things look doubtful but after reading all these inspirational posts about others having faith and staying determined. I will have hope and apply to some schools that I really want to go to. I sincerely hope you all get into the schools you are dreaming about
Senior in high school with a 3.0 weighted GPA, but a 2.67 unweighted GPA. Got a 1640 on the SATs. Hoping to god colleges look at my improvement after each year, and look at my applications/recommendations closely. The good news is that my counselor said I'm ahead in the application process. I will meet with every college representative, of an applied school of mine, who comes to my school. Hope that helps some…..never give up guys. The system is against us, but if we work hard, we can achieve more than anyone expects of us.
Also, screw Spanish. Ruined my GPA for Freshman/Sophomore year…
I feel ya, I currently have a gpa around that area.. but we will prevail.
awh. well, don't give up! 🙂
I am a senior and have a 2.97 cum GPA and a 24 on my ACT. I studied abroad in Austria for a year and when i got back I didnt have friends and was depressed and started failing even more. Beforehand I did have some rough patches, but for the most part I did well. My school is an IB college preparatory school, and I am so worried I wont get into a college, and my parents are stressing me about my grades. Is there a chance for me ¿
im a senior in highschool with a 2.2 gpa. do you think i can bring it up to a 3.0 in a semester or two?
Freshman GPA (1 honors class)
– First Semester: 3.5 B A B A C A
– Second Semester: 3.3 C B C A A A
Sophomore GPA (All Prep Classes)
– First Semester: 3.17 B B B A C A
– Second Semester: 2.5 D B C A B C
Junior GPA (1 AP class)
– First Semester: 2.8 A B C B C C
– Second Semester: 3.6 A C A A B A
Senior GPA in progress
– Taking 5 AP classes
chances of getting into Cal Poly Pomona, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, UCI?
Please help. I'm stressing out so much right now.
i have a 3.75 weighted gpa and 1240 sat score. is it possible for me to get into a UC?
Thank you so much for this , I've been doubting myself because I didn't think I could do it all I needed was a little encouragement.
THANK YOU !!!! I was about to give up. im a senior in HS and i saw my transcript and they kept telling me i wouldn't get into a good college but know i see that i can i just have to do better now and show them that im capable of doing excellent. so thank you soo much.
I totally think so! Try and boost that SAT, otherwise your GPA is awesome. Good luck 🙂
It's too late for seniors, unfortunately. Your best bet is to go to community college and do really well, then transfer to a great school
hi, I am a sophomore in high school and I messed up my freshman year and the first semester of my sophmore year with around a average 1.7 gpa and I wanted to go to a college (not commuity). I am also looking to play highschool baseball next year because I am a good athlete, so I was planning on after this semester to aply myself to get A's & B's and to train next year for highschool ball to get a schoalarship. I was woundering if you think it is to late the join highschool baseball during junior year, but I am fairly good at the sport. Another thing is if i do good in grades until senior year will i be able to get into a good college? I need advice such as is their anything I can do to bring my gpa up such as, online classes to retake the courses, summer school, community service? I need any advice please to help me get into a good college. email me with advice PLEASE. This is my future and i am stressing out major! 🙁
email me with ANY ADVICE PLEASE.
@[email protected]
Hello, my name is Christopher and I've been reading through your blog. I came across an article talking about low gpa’s and it is a full description of where I am today. I’m a Junior in High School who has had a lot of family problems since freshman year, if you would like to hear more about it I would elaborate, but for now let me explain my situation. I’m in the Pre-Medical cirricilum at my high school in Florida and truly is a challenge, and along with my personal family problems it has had a direct impact on my GPA. I have a 2.8 un weighted, 3.0 weighted. Most classes honors, 1 AP, and the rest are either Medical based or regular. I haven’t taken my SAT yet however I signed up for January 25th. Really hoping to do good on that! I want to become a physician in the next decade, but to even get that far I need to get into College! My list is 1. UCF 2.FSU 3.USF My gpa is terrible and today I let reality sink in, I don't know what to do, please help!
3.9?!!! IN UR SOPHOMORE YEAR IS NOT BAD!!! I WAS A 3.0 in sophomore year…. and I was a 4.0 in 8th grade… 1 C in freshman year dropped me…. to like a 3.5. and now… im totally sucking junior year and my school only has 2 semesters (which I think is worse than trimesters). so i feel you…. i break down crying too. but how are u now? seeing this post was like 3 years ago. how was ur senior grades? did u get into a good college? ….if u ever see this post.
..people stressing out because of not getting into college… pathetic.. all of it.
I would be more concerned about the reason for going to college.
How much time have you spent fulfilling requirements vs. determining your path in life?
As if educators and their parents offer any perspective … . narrow scope.. narrow thinking… chill out.
Um I have a 2.7 mostly C's in my classes just cause I have no motavation. I'm almost done with first semester of my Sophmore year. My grades literally depress me so much I don't even want to do anything except go into my room a feel depressed. I go to a hoity toity Public School if you don't have at least a 3.5 GPA you are classifyed as stupid. Yet I have gotten offers to go to camps at MiT and other engineering schools due to my PSAT scores. Heck I even took the SAT in 7th grade as part of the Duke Tips program. I got nationally recognized. Now look at me im worrying about if I will ever get one of my main job choices. Any High Paying Automotive field or Something having to do with History
So far your grads look good to get into Cal Poly I do not know about the others because I havent looked into those colleges but Poly was a university i was interested in. Just work hard on those AP classes and if/and when you do well in the AP classes that will also show the university that you can pass college ranked classes. Have you taken the SAT yet? But keep your head up you look like you are a bright student. You will get into a university
As a college student i would have to tell you that you Have to, have to, have to bring up that GPA. It doesnt matter what coaches like you and how many of your family members went to that university there is no way that you will be accepted into a 4 year UNIVERSITY with a 1.7 or 1.8 or 1. anything. that will bring the GPA of the university down and that will cause some students not to attend. My best advice would be to work hard on getting that gpa up. And i dont understand what is so wrong with a community college. you will get that one on one help because with a 1.7 you need that help. You will be taking college courses and all you have to do is take 30 credit hours thats one year at a community college and transfer…some universities have a program with a community college where you will be registered at the community college nut taking classes playing sports ect at the university. I did a program like that my first two years and now im at a university about to graduate with a 3.1 gpa. But there is nothing wrong with a community college if you want to go to college then go it doesnt matter if its a 2 year or 4 year. theres nothing embarrassing or wrong with a community college…save money ,bring up your gpa, play sports at a community college for a year and transfer a 1.7 wont get u into a university but a community college will educated you and point you in the right direction…
I am going to give you my advice dont let anyone tell you there is something wrong with community college. with a 1.7 your mother should be happy that you are still trying to go to college. No university will except anything in the 1.0's or 2.4 or below. if college is what you want to go Go to community college for 1 year! all you have to do is take 30 credit hours thats about 5 classes for both semesters and TRANSFER to a university. Show up and show out at this community college do good in your classes and transfer. dont feel embarrassed to go to a community college…some community colleges have programs with universities where you are enrolled at the community college BUT you take classes ,eat, sleep and play sports at the university!. TRUST ME i did a program just like that and now i am going to graduate from a 4 year with a 3.1 GPA…if i would have went strait into a university before community college i wouldnt have made it at a university.just think about it. and keep yur head up…get that GPA up to at least a 2.0 and apply for spring semester at a community college after your grades have been posted . By the next spring semester you will be at a 4 year….dont rush into it..i know plenty of people who wished they would have went to community college saved some money and then went to a 4 year
Hey guys! Root/pray for me! Applied to these universities with a 3.01 UW and 3.09 W.
(in order of preference)
1. Columbia University.
2. Colgate
3. Amherst
4. Binghamton University
5. Emory University
7. Lewis and Clark
8. Howard University
My EC's are great, my essays and writing supplements are great, and my Letters of Rec should be amazing. I have a relative that's a Columbia alumni. I just hope this all turns out well. For those who are in doubt, shoot past the stars, you never know.
I book marked this page today, from today on until my High School Graduation I will read it to keep my head up. The transition into high school wasn't easy for me, and I'm not your typical student, I'm not smart like the other kids, and its discouraging to me to see everyone ace the test that I failed, and all I want is to be the first in my family to get into a good college, and I maybe to over contemplating the worst, of every college just rejecting me, and me not being able to get a job because everyone is so much smarter now, I just want to seem up to par.
Keep your head up man, and, if you are a senior, just show colleges the genuine you. Even though they constantly except the students that look smart on paper, who knows, they might accept you too. Show that you are different.
yes man that really encouraged me I already got turned down by nc a&t im going to keep striving I fell off because my father was killed
I really need to hear this…. I was close to giving up… Now I won't because of your words… Thank you so much stranger
Man, that would be a good thing to state (your father being killed), just provides context on why you earned the grades you have. And yeah man, just keep striving, something good will come out of it, whether it be acceptances or anything positive, just keep striving. Godspeed.
Wow… thanks for your words.! I needed to hear this, I'm recently a high school senior with a GPA of 2.6, If only my counselor was like you.! I was so close on not applying to college concerning my GPA average, I'm just a few months away from graduating high school, and. I will try my best to boost. my GPA up at least to a 3.5 I know I can do it with God's help 🙂
I really want to go back to college after having dropped out from my 3rd school but I don't know if anyone will accept me as a transfer with a 2.8 GPA
My daughter has a 1.5GPA. Mostly honors classes the counselor told me today if these we're regular classes the GPA would be about 2.5 because they're weighted differently. She has great Psat/act scores. She has been getting several letter from colleges based on her test scores. She is in second semester of Jr year. I'm afraid once these colleges see her GPA she'll have to go to community college
3,2 is not a low gpa
hi my gpa is 2.8 and my act is 16 I'm a sr can I get to a d11 college to play football i need to get my gpa to a 3.0
Hi there i do track and filed and also soccer and i have a 2.7-3.2 GPA right now and still trying do u think i could get better and also get colleges to scout me for my sports.One last thing if i start studying like any 9th grader should do could i get better grades
My daughter in Junior year had a 3.2 HPA. In her senior year the last three semesters she took up with the wrong crowd and is now getting all F's and is not going to walk due to her Math grade (F)… and she may not have the required 2.0. She is a 540 student with a disability plus was involved in some pretty traumatic issues due to the friends she took up with that I won't discuss here. She seems to be coming around now that she dropped the friends (a little late) but what can she do to bring her GPA up prior to "now" community college. I'm a single mom and really need the bright futures monies. Is there anything she can do?
my daughter scored a 1240 on her SATs and she hasnt received one letter yet. Graudation is in June and she is having such a hard time hearing all her friends getting letters and making down payment already. I dont even know what I can do to help! she's applyed to 10 colleges and not one letter. I hope she can get into a school. What can we do?
I have a GPA of .8 and everyone is telling me that I'm basically screwed…I'm at the end of my sophomore year and i don't know any more. I took the asvab Test and i made a 67 on it but i still want to get my engineering degree before i join the military.. am i screwed? jw
Ok so I made a 67 on the asvab test which i was told was good cause i want to join the marine corp but at the same time i want to go and get my engineering degree so i can have a good job when i get out but the problem is that I'm right at the end of my sophomore year; and i have a GPA of .8 and from the looks of it; thats pretty bad and i've been told so many times that i wont be able to do anything because of it i just dont know anymore. Can i still make it??
So i got my first D in pre cal honors this year (junior year) second semester while i had an A first semester. I got 2 C's in IB economics and in Honors American Literature. I'm in the IB program and am an IB diploma candidate. I want to get into the University of Wisconsin-Madison and also any of the many UC's here in california because that is where I live. My highest SAT score so far was a 1600, but I still have a few more chances to bump that up and my ACT score so far was a 16. I was part of Class office(Co-Social) for two years (sophomore and junior year) and senior year I will be the Vice President. Im also the Vice President of the Table Tennis Troupe this year and next year will be the treasurer for the Club. I will have volunteer cumulative gpa is around a 3.5 I think and junior year first semester my GPA was a 3.8, but second semester, it could either be a 3.5 or a 3.7 depending on what I get on my finals..are my chances slim of getting into a UC or a UW???
Than you just to man you just made my day:) i have a 2.48 gpa:(
I have two year of college with 1 GPA and I want to change school and getting better GPA than think going in medical school what is my chance, what should I do to going in medical school. I am willing to work hard now.
4 years later… You definitely should, or should have, applied to a college because the worst thing that can happen is a decline. If you really want to do something, don't let anyone tell you not to.
Thanks Stranger you just lit my Fire. My parent have been pressuring me cuz of my grades. Thanks i will try to do better next time.
Hey I am currently a high school senior with a 3.4 gpa and 24 on the act. But I am really worried about getting into college. I want to go to the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma Washington. I had straining circumstances the last three years of highschool because of family issues so it was always had for me to focus on my academics. But I really do have drive. Its just not reflected by my academics.
I have a 1.56 GPA and its my senior year. it's really stressful because I have my guidance counselor helping me send in applications, but every time I bring up the college I'd really like to go to (Berklee College of Music), she tells me they're recommended GPA and gives me a look as if I wouldn't get accepted (this happens with other colleges as well). This is very discouraging. I know I am a good musician and I would like to think that I have a chance. It's just hard staying positive when it feels like people are working against you.
You are such a great person for encouraging students to pursue their dreams. They need a lot more people like you around….
my gpa is a 2.6 because I fell into a deep depression my 7th grade year of middle school and only recently overcame it. I really dont know what my options are and its my senior year so i have little to no time to bring it up.
I'm in my freshman year of highschool. It is mid-term and I have a 3.0 gpa. It makes me saad because all my friends have 4.0 gpa's and I feel like i'll never get into NYU or yale because of this.I was getting better grades last year, the English is just harder in my new school.
Break your butt in community college and transfer 2 a 4 year school. 4 years schools will only focus on your 2 years at that community college.
Thank you I needed that my son is a 2.9, but high act's and sat's. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!
My daughter has a 2.3 GPA due to some personal things that happened in her sophomore year (her sophomore year was a 1.2). As a junior it was a 3.0 and so far this year, her senior year, it's a 3.4. It's just cumulatively, her GPA is awful. Her first SAP was only a 1390 but she is taking it again in a few weeks and we are waiting on ACT plus writing scores. She has excellent letters of recommendation… one from her guidance counselor, one from a teacher, and two from soccer coaches. She wants to play collegiate-level soccer. We have someone helping with the recruiting part… just not sure where we should look. All of her letters talk about her overcoming a lot of things and how strong and mature and college-ready she is. We are in Virginia. Any advice?
hello, i'm in 8th grade and i would like to get into a good high school. This is the start of my year and report cards for the first semester are coming out and i think i may have an f or two coming my way. I would like to know if this would effect me getting into a good high school. I know that almost everyone is talking about college, but i would like to know if my chances of getting into a good high school are high or not. Do they look at like, your first report card? I need to know if ive ruined my chances or not soon.
Thank you
i heard someone say their gpa is not good but they got a 3.4 how is that bad do yall agree
Thank you…I really needed to hear that
Is it still possible for me to get in college with a 2.0?
Don't worry so much man. I have a 2.5 g.p.a. and busted busted my butt and got a 34 ACT Score. No tutoring nothing went in to that test. All I did was studying 2 hours a day for 2 1/2 months. I went online to spark and studied their review and did lots of practice tests online and in books I got from the library.
Thank you for the encouragement, this is honestly what I needed. I've been going out of my mind stressing because my grades aren't exactly meeting my goals. Ive had such strong feelings of wanting to give up, but after reading this it almost got me crying to tell the truth.
definitely tell them you have a family problem too
Absolutely..they do focus on the complete package and there is no denying. Your application package is a combination of personal statement for college and formal conversation/mannerism; so try to maintain the thin line between them. But since it has the credential of personal element, don't hesitate to give that warm touch. GPA is just a number and numbers have nothing to do with success. Just try to give your best answers..something that can satisfy you. After all, learning is a quest 🙂
I'm so happy I came across this. I was putting myself down thinking I ruined my chances at a successful life and at getting into the colleges I wanted to apply for. This motivated me so much that there is still hope for me. I'm in my senior year and this is making me want to try my hardest and show I can do this. My goal is straight As. Many people say this should be a goal all the time but I never had guidance or motivation from my family, but this has changed me. Thank you.
Hi im a freshman in highschool and its first trimester and its about to end and i have a 2.8 GPA and im really sad i wanted to have at least a 3.0. Even though my friends say a 2.8 is still good i cant except it i feel like im worthless because my past still haunts me i didnt graduate 8th grade and everyone made fun of me. So i feel like i need to surpass all the doubts other people have towards me so that i can feel good about my grades and forget what happened and if any one can give me a little advice on how i can get over this please reply back. Thank you.
thank you.
I have a 3.2 and I am in my senior year now , I plan on making my senior year the best . I am an athlete for my school , I play tennis , basketball and run track . I got a 1380 on my sat and an 21 on my act . I plan on taking the sat on more time before applying . I am also an volunteer for teen court . Do I have a chance in getting into a university such as uncc or ecu?
ur story is touchy and I am really sorry about the problems that u have been through but B- with these problems its an achievement because B- is really good plus ur extracurricular than u are amazing .so apply to evry college u think it suits u and tell them about ur conditions ,they will surely take u as an exception so good luck and choose the college that u like to go
I am just grade 9 and maybe I don't know enough about colleges but what I do know is I wanna go to Harvard university. Alot of people discourages me that I cant go to that big university because its not my level but I will show to the people I am capable of going to that university so don't be discouraged from people they don't know u and what u are capable of doing
just be yourself
Not great…..but on the strength of the transcript this person is sure to get in some where.
This just made me so happy. I'm a junior, soon to be senior. My GPA is almost a 3.0. It is low because Geometry wasn't my strong suit and it brought my grade down. This made me so happy to read, thank you got the encouragement!
I'm a freshman and I'm really concerned. I had a 2.8 GPA first semester and I would like to get into a really good college like University of Washington. This is just my freshman year and I would like to know if my GPA right now really matters. I'm just really concerned.
You can definitely get into a decent 4 yr university with under a 2.0 but you will need an upward trend and higher sats, along with volunteer hours and strong recommendations or an excellent essay. If a low gpa is your only weakness, there still are many universities that would consider admitting you.
same. lol
Thank you whoever you are…at this point you may not even read this, but you've given me complete hope to a decent future. I may be just another kid saying this to you…but from the bottom of my heart…thank you.
I really want to apply to UOP in CA but my gpa as a sophomore right now is 2.47
my daughter started H.S as an IB student, by junior year he gpa was at 3.0 but now as a senior it has dropped to a 2.1 and I am really worried because she is not being accepted in the colleges she wanted and its really discouraging her a lot,i feel bad and don't understand why if she was doing soo good the past three years this last year is just kicing her butt. I hope she can atleast attend a good city college and maybe transfer to a university later. thanks for posting this I have a more faith that she will be ok
I have a 3.2 GPA I am now starting my senior year and I plan on making it the best. I'm an athlete for my school , I play tennis , basketball and run track . I took a bunch of honors sciences and maths . I got an 1380 on my sat and 21 on my act but I plan on taking the sat one more time before I apply . I want to go to an university such as uncc or ecu . Do I have a chance ? I also volunteer at teen court
Just wanted to say that I had a terrible GPA in high school. 1.7. I did not apply myself like I should. I also had lowish ACT scores as well. My parents never once said a negative word about not getting into college. I applied, and applied and applied. Finally I got accepted some where! I was classified in a special admissions category but I could of cared less. I worked hard and proved to myself and others that I could do it. DON'T give up! I suggest go personally and speak to admission counselors. This will help your cause. Don't let a high school guidance counselor sell you short.
I messed up my freshman & sophomore year. Not with bad grades but grades that could've been better. I know I'm capable of doing so much more. I always feel left out because my friends are always doing good on their school work. I always get told i'm the dumb one in our group when in reality I know I'm not. I'm entering my junior year this year and I have big goals that I am planning on achieving. I always underestimate myself and I lose confidence. sometimes I want to give up and then I have to prove wrong all the people that ever doubted me. I am working my way towards success and i wont stop till i have it. I'm not always satisfied with the things i do in school because i know i can do much better but i just have this lazy habit. I'm ending that now. Entering my sophomore year I didn't quite care about my work. Something happened during second semester. A big slap in the face, i passed my classes with C's and B's but i still wasn't satisfied. I have two years of high school left, I'm going to try the best I could. "Never give up" I hear that from everyone and its true. If you want something in life don't wait till the last minute, do it right now. people told me I changed since freshman year. They told me I use to be this retarted kid that never cared about anything. I started caring about school the end of my sophomore year. My "so call friends" always put me down on. Even if I do start getting good grades i still wont be satisfied and i don't know why. I'm scared for what the future holds for me but i know if i do good starting now at a young age my life woud be a success. Anything is possible if you put your heart and mind into it and never let anyone tell you that you can't do it. It's time that you start listening to yourself and stop worrying about what other think. From my prospective keep doing what will make you proud because right after high school college will determine how your life would be ten years later or even more. That's all I have to say. Thanks…
Students please remember also that in order to go to college you have to take certain classes. Many students don't realize this until it's too late. Your High School counselor should make you aware of this during your Freshman year. Also please dont wait until your Junior year to work on your gpa. You must set a strong foundation during your Freshmen year and build throughout your Junior year. Your Senior year should be smooth sailing. Your coursework should be simple as you are polishing your gpa.
thank you so much,,u gave me hope today and ill never forget this. God bless you
Freshmen gpa:1.2
sophomore promote gpa:1.3
2nd sophomore year:3.7
Junior year:3.8
Senior year (expectation):3.9
can I go to NYU UCSD ..? Top 50 us universities?
When I graduated high school I had a GPA of 3.9. I had about the same in college. In college and high school counselors discouraged me. I didn't listen to them. I applied to University of San Diego and got in! I was so stoked. My years at Univ of SD were the best years of my life!! Everyone out there pursuing a dream do whatever you can to achieve it!! You can do it!! Love what you do, and do what you love. If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life!
It sounds like you are an amazing person! Unfortunately, the GPA is a little too low for those schools, but I have no doubt that you can transfer in after some community college.
I think you should stop worrying at this point- what is done is done. You should definitely apply- if you never apply, there is no chance of getting in, so why not give it a go? Also, don't be too disappointed. Life is just beginning for you and your transcript does not determine your self worth. Hope you get into those schools!
I had a surprisingly similar experience, Sarah. I'm very sorry about what happened. You should definitely explain extenuating circumstances to your school. Right now I'd say you have a shot at a state school, if not you can always transfer in. Good luck sweetheart!
Thank you for the pep talk, I really needed it. My gpa is a 3.2 due to switching schools and my goal is Columbia University.
I was that screw-up in High School who skipped school, smoked cigarettes, partied, and fought all of the time. (Typical High School B.S.) My High School Counselor discouraged me from going to college with my abyssmal 1.68 GPA, so I went into the military thinking that I would do it, "my way." I did: I did 4 years and got out. I went into college having to take all remedials and would later graduate with a 3.68 GPA for my Undergrad. -Perhaps I am a rare success story, I don't know… But I believe that you can do anything if you want it bad enough and are focused.
Good luck to you all! You can do it!
Okay, so I am a freshmen and due to some hard classes, I have a super low GPA. Will colleges accept me if I pull it up my sophomore and junior year or did I completely mess up?
You made my day.
I'm in the same position as you are now, and it's very stressful and now is taking a major toll on me. ��I go to a very well known, high achievement college prep high school and I started off doing very well my freshman year with a 3.33+ and starting tenth grade to now my junior year my gpa has dropped. 2.5-2.8
Hi! I am from Argentina and I really want to go to a us 4 year college. I hace a 2.1 gpa (I know its awfull) . During high school I went through really rough times. Muy father stole money from my mother, muy grandfather passed away and muy uncle and aunt got divorced (they are really close to me). Although that, I was elected by all High School as my House Captain, I was un the Hockey, Musicals and Choir Teams. I got awarded as TVE school spirit two years, and with the peaceful student award. At my high school, I was un the Top 10% I also won Cross Countries and 1500 metre races. Im a person with a lot of hope and I really want to success. My toefl score is 110 and muy combined SAT is 2100/2400. I hope you can help me see which are my possibilities.. Thanks
Do you think i have a chance to be Admitted at the University of Vaasa in Finland with a GPA of 2.941? As i want to pursue my Master Degree program in International Business.
This is great I have a 2.44 gpa with a 22 act I took several ap classes and just got rejected from a school today. It was a state school big ten school as well it really hurt me. But I'm glad I saw this! Thanks!
Another unrealistic person who thinks the world is waiting for them.
I am dealing with a situation like this person here. Encouragement? That's a joke! When your GPA is low, your SAT scores are low and you did nothing to help yourself and build your resume up over 4 years: you don't need encouragement – you need a reality check!!
And here's a news flash: Jesus won't help!
My kid refused to listen to advice – to study, try harder and take things more seriously. Instead, she chose to stay on her phone with friends and watch TV before tests, papers, etc., for four years. Now we are faced with the sad reality of her having a 1.7 GPA and virtually no chance for her to get into a four-year college. I say "we" because it is my husband and I that face that reality. And it is a sad reality because come next year, she will have no school to attend and will still be living at home with us.
My daughter is living in a fool's paradise, running around and telling family members (who think she's ridiculous) that she's going away to school, acting as if she can get in anywhere she wants. The moment I remotely suggest she apply to a local 2-year local community college, she does not want to hear it and tells me I'm killing her dreams.
This is the world we live in today. Kids who think they are entitled and who cannot face/deal with reality. What a future we are in for.
You got into Columbia with a 2350 and a 4.9? Well a Columbia atendee should know the diffewrence between "there" and "their"….
A .8 GPA is pretty bad but that isn't the thing to focus on. You are only a sophomore, now a junior I am assuming. You have this year and next year to make many improvements and show that you truly do want a college education and that it means a lot to you. Just do your best and try to concentrate on school more so you can get your weighed GPA raised. Colleges don't even focus on your freshman year so I hope that gives you a little relief. I wish the best xx
I have a 1.6 gpa and im a junior but i love basketball what do i do?
Will any colleges accept a 3.8 G.P.A .I know it's low but I tried very hard to bring it up: (
I im a junior and have a 3.4 and I havent taken any AP courses but Ive taken 2 + honors each year. Unfortunately my school doesn't weigh GPA so honors don't help me there. I haven't been the most hard working student I won't lie about that but Im going to make the most of the time I have left. I have 2200 on my sat and 34 on my act but i know my gpa will likely hold me down. My mom went to brown and she wants me to apply as a reach school but I just don't know if its worth getting my hopes up because the other kids applying have the same range of test scores or better and probably all As on their transcript
people like you are gross
Can you tell me where you applied please .
I'm wondering what my cumulative GPA would be? Freshman year i got a 3.8. Sophomore year I took AP Bio and first semester was tough but second semester I got it up to a 4.2. Now a junior, first semester just finished and I'm assuming I got a 3.3. Lowest grade I have ever gotten in my life. How much would that effect me? It sucks how in my APUSH class i ended with an 89.6 (teacher doesn't round up) and in the regular classes I took I was very close as well…
Thank you for encouraging me to follow my dreams.
I have a 2.0 gpa which is terrible! I messed up my freshmen and sophomore year do to multiple factors. It's my junior year now and I got into AP and Honor classes. However, I feel with even trying my hardest my gpa won't go up and I won't be able to enter the college of my dreams. I feel my chances are 1 to none to getting into a good college.
I have a 2.0 gpa which is terrible! I messed up my freshmen and sophomore year do to multiple factors. It's my junior year now and I got into AP and Honor classes. However, I feel with even trying my hardest my gpa won't go up and I won't be able to enter the college of my dreams. I feel my chances are 1 to none to getting into a good college.
nope ur at a B (depends on ur school) but my school weighs that as a B which is around a 3.3 it's pretty good
So I did fine in high school but in my first two years of college i got a 2.4 and while I don't want to make excuses I had mono, a concussion, and a torn ACL there. Now I dropped out of that school and did major prep at a CC and currently have a 4.0 how much will that 2.4 affect my chances of transfer
I have 2.5 GPA and I'm a sophmore in high school. I am only so low because I have a horribley unfair teacher in my Food class and a D in geometry. I don't really do many extracurriculars, but I've been doing theatre since I was 11. I want to major in education. Does it matter that I don't want to major in anything that I am doing bad in? I want to get into a least a decent university. PLEASE HELP
I think the PhD rule applies here, too. That is, apply to at least 6 schools, but even 12 schools isn't unreasonable. Pick the few you most wish to go to, a large number of reasonable middle schools, and then a handful of "security" schools". I know application fees and forms are tedious and expensive, but not more so that college itself. The point is, position yourself to make a choice, not to accept the only one that chose you.
Sometimes the truth isn't a pep-rally. The OP indicates that they would start joining clubs and doing community volunteering to be a better candidate. As the first responder hinted, the point of participation in those things is to determine character. If the applicant really cared about student organizations or volunteering, it would be a demonstrable part of their life, not something that suspiciously shows up senior year.
I have a 3.0 and I am finishing freshman year. SAT score already at 2000. I am hoping to get it to a 2200. I want to show an upward trend and end with an average of 3.3 or better. I want to go to Emory.
I'll be starting junior year off with a 3.1
I plan on working really hard, sophomore year i took one AP class, next year and senior year i plan to take more, my brother got a nearly perfect score on ACT and i 'll be studying with him working on my ACT
i play tennis and track, im not really in any clubs, i plan to volunteer twice a week the next two years at a local place. I also work part time
im a happy, positive person
what do you think are my chances of getting into a college, i feel pretty average academically sometimes, but idk, i just havent applied myself as much, next year though i plan to get straight A's maybe one or two B's but thats it, i know im capable of it
I have a 2.7 unweighted and 3.48 weighted gpa and I'm going into my senior year. I do however have an act composite of 34, I have extracurriculars and strong spikes- internship at software company and activities like marching band. Our school changed our grading scale in the middle of the year- all those 84s I've made are all C's. But then this year I make an 81 and it shows up as a B. Do I have any hope?
I have a bad GPA Its a Unweighted 2.5 right now 2.7 W I have all honors classes except math … I used to live in NYC with honors and I moved to Florida and started getting bad grades in high school mainly because lack of motivation and struggled in some classes like math and especially chemistry this year. This year im switching to a Private school as a junior hoping to improve my gpa!! All I am stressing about is trying to get into a university.
What colleges did you end up getting accepted too?
First off, 3.3 is not low at all. and with all the clubs and activities your doing, colleges will definitely want you.
I just want to say thank you for commenting that because my counselor said and I quote, "You won't make get into UMD, thats just not possible especially with your GPA thats never going to happen," and that really made me upset and thinking I won't get in. Jokes on him I got accepted, so I just want to tell everyone who's reading this thats been discouraged because of their counselor, don't be, because you will never know if you will make it in or not until you try. Trust me don't give up, don't let these counselors dictate where you're going to school they know nothing !!!
I used to be a straight A student myself. In freshman year, I was mostly a 4.0 GPA student. By that point, I had also been heavily involved in extra-curriculars. When I went into sophomore year, I decided to do a dual-curriculum, which brought my grade down to a weighted GPA of 3.87. It was so harrowing. When I close my eyes I can still picture the endless string of all-nighters I pulled just for my dual-curriculum. I passed all of my external exams for the other curriculum with pretty high grades. One of my exam results is still pending, but I currently have a CGPA of 3.6 in my other curriculum.
It's junior year, and my dual-curriculum's over, but I can still feel the amount of stress it has caused me in the past year. I've been taking on rigorous academic workloads whilst balancing activities in and out of school such as leading a debate club and being a part of the student council. In a way, I do regret how it has impacted my CGPA, and it's made me feel so worthless, especially because my first GPA of the year in junior year turned out to be a 3.7. I still have three terms to pull it up, so I'm going to be pushing myself extra hard. I don't know if I'm just being harsh on myself, but I really do feel as though I could have done better. I have so many aspirations to go abroad, and it discouraged me so much from applying to universities abroad because of the high requirements.
Thank you for your advice. It made me feel loads better.
i have a 3.3 Gpa and I am current junior. By the end of the year I believe I should have an overall Gpa of 3.5 (UW). I have outstanding EC's and am extremely passionate towards what I want to major in, theater, and I believe my EC's show that. Do I have a chance on getting in to a school with an average of a 4.1 Gpa? Oh I plan on taking the SAT in a few months but got a 1110 on the PSAT. Of course, with actually studying, I plan to do a lot better. Can someone help me out?
i'm so weak reading the comments of the people who Anonymous gave hope to. At the end of the day that's what's it about giving hope to our future kid. There are a lot of people who is an A student but has not common sense. They operate like robots. Not feelings or has no clue on reality or real life. I wish everyone on here the best. My son didn't do too well his first two years of high school but he is do so well his junior year. proud of him. He is very motivated now to do well and be more conscious of his grades.I've always encouraged him and told him i knew he was very smart and could do it…Love this site Remember It's not how or where you start, it how you end!
Thanks this helped a lot
I really needed to hear this. It made me cry because all my school counselor has been telling me is that I don't have a chance compared to all the freakishly high GPA students in my school. THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME HOPE
Im in that situation right in community college and i had a decent gpa in my highschool i was accepted by university in but I transferred into a community college and then i had lower gpa than 2 cuz of my family problems, work and 1 hour drive to get to the college idk how can i even transfer into near college with such gpa 🙁 i think they will suspend me
I'm a sophomore in semester one of highschool. I usually get good grades, I had a 3.8 GPA last year. But I moved to a new school, and recently some very bad personal things have happened which caused me to miss a lot of school, so my current GPA is a 2.0. It's been very hard for me to be motivated. I've been in a state of complete panic lately, I thought I was sure to fail. This really cheered me up and made me realize a lot of important things. It will always get better. If I'm trying my best and don't give up, I am capable of anything. Thank you so very much! <3
this is literally just what i needed right now <3
I have a 2.5(b- average), but I'm the secretary of key club, yearbook editor, Speech and Debate for 2 years, I do photography, tutor an elementary student, volunteer at church, did art club for one year, and I've taken 6 AP classes( 2 junior year, 4 this year) throughout the years(they only let juniors and seniors take AP classes)also they don't weigh grades at my school and I've taken a total of 4 honors classes. I am black, white, and Alaskan native/eskimo. I won't go into detail but I got low grades because of my very bad depression, it got so bad I couldn't focus, I was always tired, and I forgot how to spell the simplest of words(which sucked because I am a writer) had writer's block for two years, I was so corrupted that I also forgot how to tie my own shoes, this depression is still here but now I'm still slowly recovering from having depression for 6 years, I was also in the hospital all the time during my childhood with very severe scoliosis, breathing problems(I use a bi-pap so now it's better now), and having four death experiences with pneumonia, I am also on 504 plan which my school nor it's teachers really go by to actually help me. My mother was also an alcoholic throughout this time. Will I be able to go anywhere? I talked about my struggles in my college essay and talked about how I need to push through them. I also got a 1040 on the new sat, and an essay score of 14.
That's very inspirational!
And I also would like to add that even with low GPA you can apply to good schools. It's your life.
My only advice would be to go for both safety and good colleges. There's a great list of colleges with low GPA requirements. Best of luck!
I'm an 18-year-old high school student that is supposed to be graduating this year. My life has been hell on earth, I haven't gotten to live like a normal high school kid and I've been suffering from depression and anxiety for 3 years. I've had to repeat grades 2 times. The first time was because my mom dropped classes on purpose to keep me in homeschooling because she didn't want me to attend a public high school. My mom refused to put me in public school because she didn't want me to have a normal life. She wouldn't even enroll me as a homeschooled student so I could participate in athletics in my district. And don't even get me started on my abusive father and the shit he brings to my life on a daily basis. The 2nd was because I didn't care about school and did none of the work. My GPA is embarrassing (1.3 GPA). I've averaged a few A's and B's, but they were mostly from electives and summer courses. I have 9.5 credits.. I can potentially graduate a year from now. I'll have enough credits to be eligible as a senior for next year if I pass all of my classes (currently doing well with a 3.4 GPA the last 2 quarters). I can do a summer course or two that will put me at 15 credits and the rest of my courses I will get when next school year starts I can work ahead and pass those by December of next year. My counselor said he will help me do anything that will help my GPA.
When I graduate I would love to go to college instantly in time for the 2nd semester or Spring so I can try out for the football team. I fear that even if I work my ass off and get A's and B's for the next year and explain my situation and the steps I've taken to become a better student to colleges I'm applying to I won't be accepted. Would a 19-20-year-old student that repeated twice with bad grades through most of high school be attractive to even one school? Am I better off going to CC? Also, I may potentially be moving out of state with my mom – to somewhere like Arizona. I heard that "Arizona State lets anyone who breathes in" but I don't believe that. ASU is a great academic school in its own right, and If I plan to participate in sports I need a 2.3 eligibility GPA and barring overloading myself with all AP classes and straight A's, I won't reach that.
Basically, my whole point is, I hate that I messed up high school. My depression and the shit that goes on daily in my personal life is no excuse for my grades being the way they are. Imagine if I had put in the effort to be a great student all the stuff that's happening in my life now would be irrelevant and easier to deal with because I'd be going to college in 8 months from now. Instead, I likely have to spend another year in HS and I fear that any future I have is in complete shambles and can't be repaired. I get so sad and upset seeing kids my age be all excited for college, enjoying their "lasts" in high school and having the normal life I pursued to have for so long. Unfortunately, my support system and lack of work ethic failed. Believe me, I'm not trying to make excuses because I'm at fault for where I'm at too, but if you lived in my family and had to deal with the stuff I have deal with every day, you'd fail some classes and be depressed too. Especially if they're the source of your depression and refuse to make any changes for the better of the youngest one in the family so he can succeed, like most normal families do.
So pretty much where do I go from here and how can I overcome all of this? It's gonna take more than "hard work and improvement" I feel.
Even though I don't know you I just wanna say that I believe in you. Also, if you feel bad about crying, don't. I just cried for 30 minutes because I got a C in one of my classes and my parents get mad at anything below an A-
A 3.3 is not bad at all. Your involved in loads of extracurricular activities. Have you taken the sat or act? If you get great scores, your gpa will be exused from top colleges.
Thanks I have a terrible gpa but I am going to break my habit of being lazy these comments are very nice and encouraging
I currently a sophomore and have a 3.16 GPA at my school. I take standard classes but struggle in one for the most part. My goal is to have at least a 3.3 or above at the end of high school.
Enough said..TU!
I'm in middle school. I got a 3.8 last semester, but a 2.8 this semester. If I get a 4.0 for the next few years, would it be possible to get into a good medical school?